There is a vacancy inside of me, an emptiness that makes me less than I should be. I, and maybe you and others, too, are victims of complacency, an agency which strangely makes us free of self respect, integrity and responsibility. As a result, we can dress like a slob, loaf on the job and rob and steal and not feel guilty or be ashamed of blame.
I have an obsession to make this confession be cause it eases me of the depression that encapsulates me. But keep in mind as you read these lines that I am not what I seem to be. I use the "I" and "We" editorially to describe the personality I see in others who I observe objectively. And speculate could happen to me.
What I write about "I" or "Me" or "We" or "He" or even "She" is strictly fiction, intellectuality. I observe the population and arrive at a summation of my observations. What I write, wrong or right, I leave up to you to decide. I admit I write from the brain, not from the heart. But if my words strike a chord, if they ring a bell with your private hell, only you know what you must do.
Wow. Speechless again as you hit the nail on the head.
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