Saturday, November 11, 2006


Bush and Cheney and Karl, too, and all the rest who made up the wrecking crew should be forced to share a cell in hell for doing what all traitors do to undo what took years to build. They would have killed our democracy if the voters hadn't gotten wise to their treachery.

They played their little game of shame and now they lost but we, the people, must pay the cost in thousands dead as streets run red because they intentionally lied about the WMDs.

We spent billions to rebuild the ruptured infrastructure, the castles Sadam built in the sand, the structures we and the enemy destroyed at immense and senseless expense---FOR WHAT? For a lot of oil we have not,

All these billions spent and lost that could have gone to pay the cost of hospitals, schools and swimming pools, more Medicare, more Medicaid, more aid for the elderly, the distressed and depressed and, indeed, millions for poor and destitute Americans in need.

It's time to reevaluate our priorities and seize opportunities to help hopeless and homeless here at home and not overseas. I'm afraid foreign aid has been overplayed and has become a source of graft and worse.

With this I'll end my prayerful poem: Charity begins at home!


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