Here are a few ample samples of what it's all about:
ABROGATION and revocation of our Constitution. How this invented/ president lied and cheated and deleted hundreds (and still counting) of court and Congressional decisions.
POWER GRAB. The Bush administration has systematically expanded the powers of the presidency at the expense of Congress and major branches of government. This poses a long-term weakening of the democratic process and our rights as free Americans.
LIED AND CHEATED to defeat two worthy opponent candidates for president. Millions of Democrat votes went uncounted which amounted to the equivalent of highway robbery. The close "official" counts gave him license to illegally attack Iraq.
UNPATRIOTIC PATRIOT ACT. This is one of the most dangerous Bush/Cheney brainstorms of all. Unless Democrats regain control, or at least share a bipartisan Congress, it could destroy the very concept of traditional American democracy. Under this terrorist-driven, supposedly temporary agency, the government is permitted to invade your privacy from the cradle to the grave.
ALARMING WARMING of the world will get much worse because of the safeguards Dubya rejected and reversed to win corporate $upport, ignoring overwhelming evidence of the majority of scientists concerning the future of the ecology of the world. (and the U.S. still is, or atleast should be) a part of that world and revisions of long-held decisions on ways to delay the onset of potential disaster of the atmosphere.
THE CAPTURE and/or killing of terrorists. While these actions were justifiably celebrated they should not affect the ratings. Don't give Brownie Points to a man whose thinking still is out of joint. He and the GOP will use these events to smokescreen the mean routine of the Bush misadministration.
ARROGANCE says it all: "I do not need to explain things...Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel I owe anybody an explanation."
TWICE STOLEN PRESIDENCY. The evidence is overwhelming and indisputable that Republican dirty tricks stole the presidency twice and will probably try to do it again unless all votes are counted and really count in the upcoming and presidential elections.
There's an old truism that "a leopard never changes its spots." Neither do Bush and the GOP hierarchy/monarchy. Don't let their words sway you on election day. Don't vote on what they say. Vote on what they did and do and what they've got in store for you.
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