Why have we never sent a president to jail or tossed him out on his tail when he's failed to obey laws in a land where justice allegedly prevails?
Mayors and govs and lesser elected pols have been affected by laws aimed at those presumed untouchable. But when they got in trouble they got their just deserts where it hurts the worst, time for their crime in the slammer.
Agnew quit. Nixon quit. Both got hefty pensions out of it. But not the current 'White House twit. Seems he just won't git. Crime after crime. Time after Time. What can we do about it?
Bush told a lie that sent thousands to die just so he could stay high in polls and it worked for the jerk a little while. But the GIs were dead before the voters said enough of that Bush bluff and guff. So what does Duby do? Start another war---for who? Not for me or you. For George to regain what he has lost at any cost. His goal: regain his numbers in the poll. Buy it back with more GIs killed in Iraq for the good of not me or you but just for You Know Who.
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