Who can forget the Dubya/GOP gypped the American economy by shipping thousands of jobs overseas for certain, just to please Halliburten? That the rapidly shrinking middle class is doomed to death as tax breaks boost the loot of the oh so rich? Now haves have got what have nots have not. And so what, says the Thief in Chief. Let 'em go on relief!
The longer we remain in Iraq, they explain, the safer is the USA. What they really mean, we need a war to spurn the obscene returns of the military industry. That keeps the economy going and the war threat growing.
Remember the promise the Dubya/GOP made not to politicize the twin towers raid. Surprise? Here's the point they made: Be afraid of terror. Don't make an error. Vote for us, the best protection from terrorists who persist. We're on their list and they're on ours. Eventually they'll succumb. How dumb can Dubia/GOP get?
The Dubya/GOP machine tried to turn the tide to support the war. They didn't get very far.The majority oppose what they got us in. On this issue alone the Dems should win.
The Dubya/GOP, led by a born again decider, has seen the gap grow wider between profit and loss of our budget. No matter what George decides, he can't fudge it. It keeps rising which ain't surprising due to the undeclared war this excuse for a man began. His plan: fix it with accounting tricks and fuzzy math while our nation takes a bath. The path that leads to bankruptcy is apparent to all but the Dubya/GOP.
There are so many reasons why we should lick the sick DubyaGOP. We Democrats can turn the trick, but we must be quick before Dubya/GOP comes up with its next phony pre-election surprise.
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