Monday, September 11, 2006


All the billions and bombs and blood won't buy a bucket of mud when the killing is over and all that is left are roaches and clover and a few scorched trees and dead honey bees, a fridge filled with rotting cheese, dried up seas and a few of that and a few of these and who will be left to say, "Thank you, please."

There will be no disease and nobody to catch it. There will be no chickens and not even an egg or a hen to hatch it. And who'd hit a fly when there's no one to catch it?

Wall Street will be overjoyed for there will be no unemployed when the world is a void and neatly, discretely and completely destroyed.The immense expense in dollars and cents for uncivilized and civil defense to cover the cost of all this destruction won't really matter because there will not be a need to proceed with reconstruction.

There will be no love, there will be no hate, it will be too late for caring, compassion and brotherhood will be out of fashion. A lifetime of friendship will fade in a second, even much sooner than man could have reckoned.

After the crash of creation, the end to what once was called civilization, there will be no today, no tomorrow, no sorrow, no birthday bashes, only wide open fields of dried bones and ashes.


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