What Bush spent to invade Iraq, his spending spree to turn it into a GOP-style democracy has boosted our economy while GIs die for no damn reason why and lies are told to tighten the strangle hold on the oversold war Bush wrought and we, the stupid people, bought.
The proof this is a false economy is there for anyone to see. Mybe it put a few bucks in our hand, but it's buying the blood of our troops in a foreign land. Our basic rights are being denied as we rebuild the losing side that we bombed to kingdom's come and then some. Billion dollar corporations, awash in profits, benefit those who invest. Tax breaks enrich the filthy rich. The rest are denied basic needs to bloat corporate greed. Oil's a good example. Everybody knows there are ample supplies, but motorists pay through the nose for everything they have to buy. War boosts the economy, keeps prices high. Dead GIs are the reason why.
It's a win/lose situation. Blame the Dubya administration. Bring back peace, prosperity, democracy. Bring back our GIs. The time has come. Don't be dumb. Let Republicans pay for all their lies.
the horror that we did with "shock and awe" is almost more than my mind can handle.
to know we invaded a country on false data is just horrorfying.
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