Sunday, August 27, 2006


I took a trip in a brand new car, not too far but far enough to see that all this stuff about why gas has to cost a lot is just a plot to rob us of the money we've got to have to feed our families and pay for other necessities.

The oil gougers know Dubya is their man and they've got to make all they can while they can. And that as long as they shower the powers that be in the GOP with unlimited dough-rey-mee they'll be free to steal from every driver behind the wheel and that's the deal, guaranteed.

But do you know what? There are are many little iffs that can make a great big diff:

IF we defeat the crooks in command and win back the presidency that will signal a return to sanity and a rebirth of democracy.

IF we end the war in Iraq and give the country back to the inept puppet hacks we put in power there'll be a civil war and then all sides will eventually find a way to live without the meddlesome USA.

IF we bring our forces home no more GIs will die and without the senseless expense we wasted on the Dubya war we can invest in what's best, America.

IF we defend our friends in the Middle East and negotiate a lasting peace
we'll cease the death, destruction and disruption of life as it was meant to be.

IF we all realize that each person who dies by crime before their time might have contributed a worthy gift to this earth in science or the arts or a special skill that could be the salvation of our dying civilization.



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