Friday, September 29, 2006


The wold's been here a trillion years, give or take a few, so on your race through space pick any spot in our terrestrial parking lot, put a penny in the slot, park for an eternity and shuttle off to Buffalo if that's where you want to go.

A flight for a night to a far off star for a honeymoon in the month of June at the Lunar Falls is the out of space thing to do. A trip through space to any place takes just a blip or two. The price is right so book a flight a light year away, stay a century at the Galaxy Regency. The second hundred years are free.

Or go to dazzling Dizzyland where green Martian Men brighten up the scene and Dipper strippers do things obscene and a Chorus from Taurus sings about "Isaac Newton's Rootin' Tootin's Star Wars Candy Bars and Milky Ways'."


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