Friday, September 22, 2006


You do the crime. You serve the time. That was true before. That ain't true anymore. Law gives way to corruption, a mere interruption between what was and what is has become.

Now dishonesty pays in many ways as new legislation makes violation a fabrication of the past. Loophole laws now in place make criminal justice a disgrace.

Shyster crooks take a look at the books and these well-trained legal minds design a legislative way to find that crime and greed, indeed, pay legally.

It's the fine print that you have to squint to read and the pressure to "Sign right here on the dotted line," And who can scan a thousand words of legalese? They shove a pen in your hand and pressure you to "just sign, please, initial here, initial there, check yes or no in every indicated square."

As the hour's growing late, the girls rush in with coffee and cake and to celebrate the signing of the contract to seal the deal you may live to regret when it's too late.

That's how million dollar deals are done and who has lost and who has won? This sort of thing may wind up in court.
"Did you sign on the bottom line? Is that your signature?" "Yes." "You're sure?" A nervous nodding head. "Did you understand what you read?" Another nod. "Then you know what it said?" "Yes. I guess I did."

With that admission, case closed.


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