Who the heck wants sex on the screen when the real thing alive on the scene swings on the scene swings and jives. Husbands and wives, unrelated mates, same sex duos---there are plenty of those---do their thing in privacy. Who needs pornography? Who needs trick photography?
Reality is the sensuality that is the totality of what folks on fire most desire. But not when they watch TV or pay ten bucks to see a movie. The screen scene most often seen is idiotically comically. No whoop-de-dooodity nudity wanted here. Stupidity on screen and stage is the current rage.
So when you take your gal to a show thinking it will turn her on you should know a ha-ha-ha and a ho-ho-ho and popcorn and a Coke served with a joke no doubt will help you make out. Scorn porn, lotharios and romeos and put your faith in sitcom cameos and treat your lover to wine and dinner 9and you'll be sure to be a winner.
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