Wednesday, August 03, 2005


The killers of the universe cry and curse those who deny their concept of the deity. They have no shame or dignity and kill and maim and defame humanity in His name. And by His silence, He accepts the blame. Is it all the same whether the good live or die and billions ask Him why and He does not reply?

Has this master maker of miracles lost His holy power in our hour of need? The whole world bleeds and He does not intercede. And it goes on and on. Day by day. in every unbelievable and inconceivable way, they slay and what has God to say?

The seas run red. The fields are littered with the dead. What price sacrifice will suffice their crave to kill the good and brave to enslave those who would be free? Is it not time for God to rise above the horde who live by the sword and let His word be heard? He must renew the trust we had in Him.

It's not enough to simply pray that the evil will go away. That has been tried and tried and yet, the good have died and the evil hide behind His name. Can the world abide much more of this? Something's very much amiss. Is God still on our side? Or, God forbid, has our God died?


Blogger Greta Björg said...

I don´t think God is dead; it´s just that far to few people listen to what he has tried to tell us time and again; I feel he must feel like the parents of teen-agers trying out their patience...

4:09 PM  

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