Saturday, October 08, 2005

DEPRESSION: Is It an Obsession?

No matter what some experts say, this nation is in two kinds of recession. Need an explanation? One leads and feeds on the other. The economy is depressed and, you guessed, less is spent when your budget's in a mess. And this means you, like the rest of us, are not just momentarily depressed. We suffer from a deep depression that only one profession can deal with. That's a shrink you think is the pro who will know how to help you now get your act together.

To deal with the depression about the recession, Washington has to wheel and deal and turn the downward trend around. This will make the nation sound. Then and only then will the consumer, or so the rumor goes, buy us out of the throes of the economic recession we are now in and have been in since March of 2001.

That's the date the experts say and that's good enough for me, Mr. G. Dubya says the economy's great, improving and moving faster than a snail in the right direction and cannot fail as long as we prevail. That's gobble-de-gook from a cook (that rhymes with spook) who got selected by a fluke. And the only kind of economy he recognizes is the kind that he has super-sized for the big buck guys of industry. And when you're worth a billion or more who cares what they charge you at the discount store?

Ain't it sad but funny that to those who have all the money every day is bright and sunny? When ever they get depressed they invest as insiders suggest and leave the rest up to their advisers. They place a bet they can't
lose and nobody is the wiser,

So to put an end to this two-pronged depression and learn a lesson from the rich. Give them less n' give the poor folks more and that will even up the score.


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