Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Once upon a time when a dime was worth a dime and a dollar bill had
dignity and power the pay I got was meager but still I was eager and
worked at full capacity each hour.

I saved a little money for days both bright and sunny and watched my
nestegg growing day by day. i kept a weekly ration as a hedge against
inflation with full faith in flag and country, Hip hooray!

With sights upon the 'morrow I set about to borrow cash for costly
clothes, a fancy car. I moved out of the city to a house so shiny pretty, had a
wife, two kids, then came the war.

Prices started rising which wasn't too surprising, but wages, glory be!
kept pace with cost. Income matched the outgo and life was status quo
though what was gained was just as quickly lost,

Then, God knows how it started, reason all departed and prices soared
higher than a wind blown kite. The pre-inflation dollar lost all its
hoot and holler and robbing Pete to pay Paul was my plight.

Now I'm working hard as ever, not so smart and not so clever on a
treadmill of this screwed up world's design. And I worry and I wonder
as life is rent asunder what will happen one fine day to me and mine?


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