Thursday, March 23, 2006


The trillion plus fuss that we cuss about and shout about and can't get out of keeps on going up at a rate of $200 million a day and if Bush insists on staying the course, which of course he will, the shitsuation will get worse and worse and they'll carry Uncle Sam away in a hearse towed by a horse, of course, as the price of gas per gal costs more than two drops of booze, a pair of used, smelly old running shoes or a cruise for two in a canoe to the zoo, Peru or Timbuktu.

If we choose to refuse to defuse and continue to pay three more tearful years of dues the USA stands to lose $400 Billion more (and that's a B and it stands for Bush) and that's bad news. And that figure doesn't figure in inflation or the endless occupation, restoration and a long Texas vacation for the leading loser of our nation.

All this being true or true enough to assume tough times to come, how can this country be so dumb as to keep this rum soaked joke in the Blight House until the budget's broke, broke, broke?


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