Tuesday, April 18, 2006


There came the time in life my wife and I decided we must confide the facts of life to our sons and daughters: beware of swatters and those who spray from a little tin can a mist that can make you history. Stay away from sugar bowls, sweet rolls, pies and cakes and, for goodness sakes, steaks on grills and picnic tables filled
with foods you're in the mood to snack.

And if you escape a real close smite don't go back for a second bite. Just stick to buzzin' with your kin and cousins and you might survive a short but happy life.

All flys are hated by humanity. We drive them to insanity and violate their vanity when they swat or spray and we get away. Remember this and you may never die prematurely: Don't be a flyby wise-guy foolish fly. The fly is not always quicker than the eye.


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