Death legalized, apologized and sanitized by written or unwritten law does not lessen the brutality or finality of a bullet in the head, a bomber who spreads the dead by an act of suicide. This no sane man can abide.
The evidence of providence is there:
A youth with flair for phrase beyond compare might one day have shed the light and penned a telling answer to the swelling view that the end is near.
A budding scientist might have persisted in his belief that a solution to many a medical mystery lies in an ancient theory long ignored by the profit motive-driven pharmaceutical industry.
A religious truth might have gained approval in the voting booth to a bill to finance advance for peace instead of war, support love and good and brotherhood before it's too late to change our fate.
A world leader might have emerged who realized, to the world's surprise, the folly of all war and have led all people on this earth toward goals of worth, away from poverty and toward prosperity.
Every death will have been in vain, not only the selected few who would have used their brain and creativity to contribute to the world's continuing livability.
We all are members of the Clan of Man. We all must give what we can to meet the ever demanding, expanding need for those who will lead us in our endless pursuit of wholeness and true happiness.
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