I am young enough at 83 to remember when presidents served the likes of me and mine, the kind the founders had in mind when they spoke of "We, the People," in hard fought campaigns and, yes! even from the halls of Congress, to the wants and needs of the working man, not just for big shot bosses who worry more about profit and losses, less about the cost of living and giving hirelings an even break, for goodness sake!
I remember vaguely Herbert Hoover, certainly not a shaker, mover, who never cared or shared the pain of factory workers, soup-line standers, soda jerkers, the unemployed who meandered everywhere searching desperately for jobs that just weren't there. His only confession was we were in a depression and nothing could be done about it, the only way we'd get out of it was to sit and wait. The nation waited and debated, then came FDR and a war across the shore that America could not ignore, especially after the Jap attack when we struck back. His creed: serve the need of working man. He did and slowly things began to improve and we were on an upward move.
Roosevelt's tragic death brought to the helm HST---Harry Truman, a true man who faced reality and brought the war to its finality. He knew it had to be. The A-bomb ushered in an era that, for better or for worse, changed the course of history. But it caused Japan to surrender. A blast that knelled the end to war.
Without rehashing everything, the point is that whenever a Democrat sat in the driver's seat, the president strove to meet the needs of all, not just the cartels that swear by oil wells, destroy the ecology, drive up the cost of energy, fuel recession and flirt with depression.
We liked Ike, but what did he do to improve the lives of folks like you? Nixon was forced to resign to avoid more trouble down the line. His VP, Spiro Agnew, as corrupt as a political hack could be, also resigned to save his hind. And now we have GWB. and his presidency is a disgrace as his place in history, few will deny, will testify.
I haven't mentioned LBJ who paved the way for civil rights, fought poverty with all his might, refused a second term because of that damn Viet Nam. But Johnson did a lot to make Uncle Sam proud, unlike the past and present Republican crowd.
For crying out loud, when is America going to learn? You can't trust the GOP. Just take a look at the end result, the insult of Tricky Dick. Agnew, too, who should have gone to jail. And Dubya, the biggest failure of them all. When will Humpty Dumpty Dubya fall off the wall?
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