Sunday, March 26, 2006


You've been told you're getting old. Your kids are aware of it and can't forget what they'll inherit when you're gone. It's an actual, factual reality that they must fret about how much they'll get, Let them know now, not yet, then go in debt and don't worry about your credit. Let it ride as you slowly slide into silly senility and lose the ability to tell a dollar from a dime while you're having a helluva time with money borrowed from the bank at prime.

Seniority is an age and a stage in life when, if you still have a husband or a wife, and even if you've not, use it or you'll lose it. If you think you lost it, jump in the sack and try to get it back,

Don't spend your time guessing how much longer you'll be here. Count your blessings and keep messing, caressing and undressing while expressing words of woo to you-know-who while you try to do what nature, if not the state legislature, intended you to do

Forget the fear of the hereafter which will still be here after you disappear in a year or two or three or what ever more it might be. Defy statistics. Be unrealistic. Go ballistic. And if your kids think you're sick say they're right and admit it. Be glad you did what you done. Wasn't it a lot of fun!

Be thankful if you're still sound of mind and body because that's what everybody wants to be. Even if you're hooked on medications. as long as your disease isn't catching take that extensive, expensive vacation with your significant other and I don't mean your sister or your brother. If you've still got a dad or a mother put 'em in a nursing home and roam to Rome or Timbuktu, Peru or any place that you desire. Set your world on fire before you fizzle out. That's what life is all about.


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