Tuesday, April 04, 2006


What a wonderful world we're living in, but how much better a world it would have been if God had not allowed His children to commit sin, the first and worst crime of all time.

There is nothing in recorded history that gives a clue to solve the mystery of how life started way back when there may have been no strife, no violence, no hate but only love of man and beast and birds that fly in the sky and fish that swim in the sea and every waterway and even tiny insects I expect were there because He had a reason why they should be a part of the first family who shared and cared for all equally.

But somehow God, from then till now, put too much trust in the souls He did entrust to all the creatures great and small. He stood aside and watched them slide into a world of His design until He saw the danger sign, but by then it was too late for greed and hate, lust and mistrust, had infected what He least expected would become of some, not all, He granted birth on this earth.

What happened as his flock progressed and spread far and wide across the breast of this world of magnificence and majesty and what God dreamed the world might be for endless time after He had completed His creativity. Love, sharing, caring, declaring dedication, but also desecration, death and annihilation. bloodletting and violation of the rules of God that went astray. And from then until this day so many among us have lost their way.

Imagine how many have suffered, how many died, how many cried. how many gone before their time, victims of man-created crime, who might have contributed events of glory to the story that even preceded, I do believe, the garden of Eden and Adam and Eve,

If things had worked out to God's plan, we can surmise, Man would be more wise, humanity would not compromise and God would be elated by the world that He created.


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