Thursday, July 20, 2006


Want to be a big time crook and commit the near-perfect crime without ending up in jail? It's easier than you think to stay out of the clink without slinking around thinking any moment the long arm of the law will lay a paw on you and there's nothing you can do except serve your sentence and do your penitence in a cell.

Well, there is a better way you can stay out of the can and preserve your nerve and protect your respect and make your intellect your key to jail free respectability. Do what the Big Boys do. Become a corporate boss dealing with profit and loss and cook the books and wine and dine with fellow ex-cons who will turn you on to how to be a criminal with minimal risk and great reward without working hard.

Be logical. Go ecological and join a corporation with a squeaky clean reputation that makes its loot fair and square by fouling up the air. Then seal a cash deal with a Washington wheel so he'll go slow on enforcing the law to make you clean up your act. Slip him the dough, he'll shake your hand and never call you back. Deal's done, you both won. If that ain't dirty, crooked biz, I don't know what is!

That's just an example of what goes in Washington and, with variations, in cities large and small all over the USA every day. If the deal's not air it's steel or gas or to buy the votes to pass a bill that will put billions in the till.

The FBI more often than not turns a blind eye to what you do. And even if there is hanky-panky of this sort what happens in court is never included in the report of the investigation and most legislation to correct the situation dies in committee or until the lobby side is satisfied.

I researched the facts and found them true. What big business does costs you. So next time you pay a speeding fine or a monster price for gas or oil. just know that with each sale you're helping keep these crooks out of jail.


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