Thursday, July 13, 2006


I honestly believe if we get out and give Iraq back Iraq, the killing will stop and, whether we like it or not, the opposing sides will eventually get together and peace will follow. Why should we and they wallow in mud and blood just to save face for that human race disgrace whose place in history's already kaput?

If we choose to refuse to lose a war we can't win, we're in for double double triple trouble as the war gets badder than bad for Baghdad. If we get out no doubt we'll be shamed and blamed, rightly so, for the mess we left behind. But if the sects correct what's wrong and peace succeeds, we can say we planted the seed in the Middle East.

If we depart, that won't start a civil war. It already its early stages. If we stay and continue to fiddle, we'll be caught in the middle, which, in a way, we already are. The insurgents continue to surge and our side seems to lack the urge to respond in kind. We can't find a way to at least keep the enemy at bay. And more of Us than They are being killed every day.

There's a theory that makes more sense than why we commenced the war and our pretense for getting to where we are: Force America to spend and send GIs to war. No matter how Bush tries to fudge it, that drains our budget. And Dubya's maniacal stand to stay and fight with no end in sight is bankrupting our economy. That's the key to who has already won. The day our dollar ain't worth a dime is the time when terror ends. And all those so-called "allies" will no longer be our friends.

Let's face it. Our government's bankrupt-bound unless we turn this plunge around and make the dollar sound. For now all Bush and his Dum-dum Crew of can do is suck their thumbs and hope things don't get worse in days to come.


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