In their shame, what can the GOP claim, except kicking the middle class in the ass, robbing the have nots of what they've got to give the have mores more and more. Just remember come November who's minding the store.
The left behind are so far behind you'll never notice their bare behind or mind that their derriere is wearing through their underwear. Be a sport and buy each child a pair of jockey shorts.
How are they doing with welfare? Well, fair to midlin with their pidlin benefits that are the pits and give them a pain where they sits.
What about our vets, the old and young from many wars, some with scars, some with missing limbs or brains turned dim. some suffering from stress, some with wounds you'd never guess. All maimed or lamed, sane or daft, get the shaft when they get out. That's what the military's all about.
All business, the smallest most of all, are up against the wall, Wal-Mart, that is. That's how business is. Grow or go into bankruptcy if you can afford the lawyer's fee.
What about the poor slob without a job with a wife and kids who are uninsured suffering from ills that could be cured by costly pills and no doctor bills? Medicaid might bear the freight, Get on line and wait and wait.
Why you vote and what you do or do not do is up to you. But just don't vote for the GOP. They're all campaigning up a tree.
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