Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Are the victims of past madness, witness to a generation that saw the elimination of a massive population at the blood-soaked hands of the creator of the Holocaust, soon to die and fade into history?

This was a time when crime was rampant in the world. When bombs were hurled and humans slain and death rained down on once peaceful towns for diabolical, illogical reasons. Madness was in season and humanity committed treason against sanity. Thousands gassed as each day passed and the good people wondered, how long could this vast assault last before there would be wars no more?

Hitler with his war machine was turning Europe from green to red, leaving in its wake millions dead, horrendous at a stupendous rate just because of this man's hate that spread like the disease it was. All because the victims accused were mostly Jews. The sick, the lame, gypsies, homosexuals met the same fate in this evil game of death. And in their place would rise a Master Race.

Napoleon was not the only one to meet his Waterloo. It happens to all evil madmen as it must do. Dictators rise, dictators fall, but perhaps the most evil of them all was Adolph Hitler and his partners in the greatest crime of all time.

Some died by suicide, some by the hangman's noose, some spent the balance of their lives in prison cells. Who can tell how many fled to foreign shores, remaining free. Their guilt will follow them into eternity.

You would think the world would learn to spurn all war and tyranny, the shame of man, the game of fools, the violation of the rules brought down by Moses from the mount.

Today, on a lesser scale, but still monumental and instrumental, are evil acts that will prevail, committed by men who lust for power in our bastion of democracy. What stands as a violation, a criminalization and an abomination of law today will become a legality if men of good will don't stem the tide and halt the slide into massive suicide of billions headed for self annihilation. We must defy the enemy or freedom and democracy will surely die.

Is all already lost? Are we headed for another Holocaust?


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