Sunday, November 12, 2006


No doubt about it, the GOP's been routed, outed as a source of power, growing weaker by the hour. That's not our idea of a group to trust. They must be dealt with forcefully, not tolerated as hangers on who will soon be gone.

If they can't be fired, until there terms are expired, stick them in a cubbyhole and strip them of all control they had when Republicans were in power body and soul. And dump those on the dole, holding titles but not vital in any extent to the running of a government they represent.

It would be great if we could say, "You're fired. Here's two weeks pay. Clean out your desk. Be on your way. Have a nice day." But that's not the way it works in the world of democracy. Guess that's how it has to be. But in private industry, unless you're the boss's son or daughter, or having sex with a top exec, you get the axe and that's the fact.

In Washington the winners wait and the losers continue to exercise their power and steal from the slush funds having fun until their day is done, then look forward to running again when the time is right for another political fight. It's a never stopping revolving door, in and out, in and out. That's what politics is all about.


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