Friday, September 09, 2005


Meriweather Fairyfeather was his given name
And M. F. to the whole wide world proudly did proclaim:
"I love my mom and she loves me. Happy are we two.
What more could I desire than a mom who loves me true?"
Merriweather Ferryfeather never thought to wed,
But stayed at home with Mommy. Happily, it's said.
Mrs. Fairyfeather was so thrilled with motherhood.
She had a son of forty-nine who always had been good.
"He's never loved a woman except his mom," said she.
"I know my son is true to me and he will always be.
When I die and go to God my son will cry and cry
For his dear mom who baked delicious deep dish apple pie."
When M. F. was fifty-nine his dear mom did succumb
And sonny boy was very sad and he was rendered numb.
"What will I do without my mom?" he sobbed into the night.
"She was my pal, my buddy gal, my shining guiding light."
Merriweather Ferryfeather cringed his way through life,
Never seeking lovers or a loving, faithful wife.
He spent his days and nights alone without a foe or friend
And joined his mom at sixty-five, a virgin to the end.


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