Wednesday, December 07, 2005


My archives are alive and well. Each have their tale to tell. They stand in line in my list waiting as you're debating, "Should I find out what he had in mind when he said it? Or should I log into a brand new blog and leave the sleeping blogs to some other guy?"

Remember this with apologies to Gen. MacArthur: "Old bloggers never fade away, they just lay to live another day."

You may find the kind of things you had in mind or maybe not, but give them a shot anyway. What have you got to lose? So peruse. Pick and choose. Some might amuse. Others might abuse your literary sense or your creative sensibilities or be convinced of my inability and just give up on me.

If you dig my rhyming style you may want to stay awhile, If not, so what! Get hot on another blogspot. If you have the time, drop a line to comment or vent your view.

Till then, Tootaloo to all of you.


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