Sunday, March 12, 2006


Once upon a time back a while
When someone acted like a fool
The diagnosis was "senile."
At least that was the general rule.
Age and science have since changed
And medicine is not the same,
Today our values are rearranged.
And doctorS use another name,
Alzheimers is the word of choice
For those who've lost their mental way,
Now there's reason to rejoice
And pray this disease will go away,
The heart still beats, liver's intact.
The kidneys work efficiently.
All the parts respond, react
Except the source of mentality.
The thinking mind has lost its thought
And flounders like a ship at sea,
What irony time and tide have wrought
Where in hides the mystery?
While science seeks a final cure.
Can the mind, once lost, return
Or must vegetation long endure
In a state where they cannot discern
The beauty of a morning sun
Or raise their voice in joyful song
Or find humor in a silly pun
Or even know right from wrong?
What do they see when they look?
What do sounds mean to their ear?
Life for them has closed the book,
They're somewhere. They're not here.


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