Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Bush has his finger on the trigger. He figures, "All I have to do is point our weapon at Iran. I can. And I will. We will kill a million or more and end the war that hasn't begun. Death is done and we have won."

Won what? An historic victory? Just like HST in World War II. The world knows what happened then. Do we want it to happen once again? One more blast could be our last.

Then and now are not the same. Then, Japan was waging fanatical war. The A-Bomb was a farfetched, wretched sc-fi scheme. Nobody dreamed it could or would be done. Just another kind of gun. In World War II we weren't real sure what it could do. Neither were they. We both found out. Now there is no doubt.

Japan burned. Millions died. The whole world learned an atomic war could be the beginning of the end of civilization. So we all had reservations against the use of this wanton weaponry. Between then and now there have been threats and yet, somehow, it hasn't happened. And do you know why? Both sides would lose. We all would die.


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