What's the rationale of Bush and his pal, brainless Cheney? Don't commit those "living" cells to research when maybe they could make a baby.. Isn't it a sin to kill at will when that tiny specimen could make more men to fight and die in wars, drive monster cars, smoke big cigars and fly to Mars? Make more soccer moms and kids hooked on dot coms doing what comes naturally, mating and populating overcrowded third world nations. Wouldn't it better be to save humanity?
We're talking about death, my friend. The beginning and the end. What did God intend for those microscopic specks of life, now the topic of debate between the test tube set and those ding-a-lings who won't let science do its thing.To create one life and deny cures to millions who endure pain and eventual death when the alternatives are immense makes no sense.
In a world of reality it is an impracticality that's forcing our corporations to set up stations in foreign nations who realize the financial prize to be won. To not invest in research simply because some radical church objects is next to insanity.
Wake up, George. Get real. Stem cell is a big deal. It can let us live longer and make our economy stronger. Health and wealth, no doubt, is what it's all about.
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