Wednesday, May 11, 2005


People who snore may be a bore, but they know what sleep is for. They may purr or they may roar, but when you hear them you will know that somebody is minding the store.

A deep, deep sleep is the only kind that rests the mind, unwinds the tightened wires and releases nightmares you'd rather hide or confide only in the closest ghosts that host your frightening fantasies.

Sleep that leads to dreams of schemes can seem unreal and really are for you're in a war with yourself. What you get is a consensus of your senses. Share what and who you are with those you know casually and possibly they will come to be close friends emotionally and devotionally.

What does friendship have to do with dreams? Dreams are the hidden key to the you inside of me. And the me is often what you'd like to be. So put the two together and you will be able to weather the worst of storms that form in the eventuality of your reality.

Dreams analyzed and departmentalized, sliced and diced twice or thrice should be kept on ice until mummified rice comes down in price. What this means I haven't got the slightest clue but neither do the dreams I share with you. Which boils down to this: a loving kiss and a soft caress and an eager yes obtained not under duress which leads your lover to undress and head for bed is the best way I know to cope with stress.


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