We're referring, of course, to hurricane winds of massive force, that sent the Big Easy easily to a watery grave with thousands of souls it couldn't save because the Grief of State took almost a week to realize and recognize what was happening before his eyes.
Take note: the poor and destitute seldom vote and those who do look to the Democrats to rid their slums and Republican bums of rats and fat cats who know where the money's at. When it comes to election time, the down and outs ain't worth a dime.
I'm not saying that the Powers that Be purpurposly and wantonly ignored the floods and crud and mud that poured into the streets and gutted homes and shattered dreams and everything that mattered, friends and families, precious memories, hopes and dreams and plans and schemes.
All this said, it matters not. What is real, thousands are dead and more are dying and billions are crying. And all the while, Bush is denying his responsibility for one of the greatest tragedies that has ever decimated humanity. An air of despair is everywhere. It cannot go away. And Bush, the leader of the pack, whines he doesn't want to play!
Well, the Blame Game has been played. Now the Shame Game rains on the Bush parade. And the only way justice can prevail is to send the whole damn bunch to jail!
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