Saturday, November 26, 2005


The birth of a child is and was meant to be the greatest event in history. For in an infant lies all the promise and hope of humanity. Who's to say? Maybe that baby, an innocent new creation someday may be kind or cruel, wise or a fool, who'll rule or save an enslaved civilization. What will it be at maturity?. The possibilities are endless, God bless the sleeping child.

Those who love understand the immensity, intensity of emotional devotion they'll bestow on this new human being they are seeing moments after birth. It has been on earth just hours, but it's ours, they say, until eternity---at least until maturity. But that's a full lifetime away.

They assure the child security, teach it passion and purity, the strong feeling of belonging to a loving family, the pride in name and all that came before to make them more aware of who they are the way they are, what they could someday be, how much depends on love and devotion to family.

Children grow up right, doing what they're told, learning all the lessons taught by family and in school. They know about the golden rule, be kind to old folks and pets That's what gets you into heaven when you die.

At this point a child might cry and ask; "Why must I die?" You'll reply, "You learned that in Sunday School." Your child might say hostilely, "That means God is cruel." Your silence pushes the child away.

What can you say? How can you admit that's true? That defies all the lies the church has drummed in you.

When children doubt they find out. That's when parents lose control. That's when children go their separate way. What do they become? Who can say?


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