HA! HA! HEE! HEE! HO! HO!---Oh No!
Oh my oh, there's this outfit in Ohio, that, for what it's worth, says we should, use mirth to ease the pain of Bush and a war where more than two thousand are dead so far.
The theory: A hee! and a ho! is the way to go when you know it costs a lot of dough to fight this oh so funny travesty, this war to promote and shove down the throat democracy to the survivors of thousands killed because (applause! applause!) of Bush hypocrisy.
Here's what Scott and his instructors contend: buckle up and chuckle. It soon will boost your immune and lessen distress. Yes, I guess that's true. Until a bomb blows you to Kingdom-come and your loved ones mourn their whole life on. "Ha! Ha! Ha! My husband's gone. Sonny dear's no longer here! Brother Gregg has lost a leg and arm. No harm. He's still got one of each. Ain't that a screech!"
They're teaching this fool-osophy to national guards on the way to the fray in Iraq where no, doubt they'll have a lot to laugh about, when and if they come back. They're teaching troops to laugh when there's no reason to. I don't see a reason why. Do you?
Ain't war and death a riot? I don't buy it.
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