Sunday, February 12, 2006


(This post is too serious to be written in my verse style. Read on!)

"Can the President order a killing on U. S. soil?" This question was raised at a closed-door session of a Senate Intelligence briefing in Washington. Steven Bradbury, acting head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, said George W. Bush could do just that in "certain circumstances."

The issue arose during questioning by California Democrat Dianne Feinstein about presidential powers regarding Al Quada. News of the session was first reported in the magazine Newsweek and expanded by Buzzflash,

To authorize any government official---especially the current president---to order murder of any foreign or domestic "suspect" of any crime he/she has not been legally been found guilty of would set a precedent with potential serious consequences. Knowing the incompetence of U. S, intelligence and the unwarranted and irresponsible actions of the President, authorizing the killing,if it was carried out, and then was learned that the accused was totally innocent wouldn't Bush and the U, S. Government face murder charges for ordering the "hit" of the victim? Even if the "suspect" was later found to be guilty, would not Bush, the agent who carried out the order and the government itself be guilty of an illegal act?

Placing such power in the hands of a corrupt, incompetent and irresponsible trigger happy man like George W. Bush would be a dangerous thing to do.

A "suspect" is innocent until proven guilty of any crime by an American court and a binding verdict by a jury of his/per peers, The blood of the victim, if proven innocent, would forever be on the hands of the person who committed the crime and all his accomplices, and that includes the president and his entire administration.


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