Tuesday, April 18, 2006


This is a bleeping sleeping world curled in a fetal position, refusing to face the fact our acts are leading us to perdition if we don't adjust our way of thinking and realize this stinking earth is shrinking, sinking into a sea of rising tide and no more shore.

The warming is harming and alarming and is something we must fear if we care to stay here until our land disappears along
with the once clear atmosphere we hold dear.

Contamination of all nations is tearing lungs asunder and stupid blunders will escalate arrival of our fate. The date is set, it's all arranged, but ain't it strange, it can change. It's up to us and a smelly bus, a fuming truck, the muck schmucks dump in the sea and you and me and he and she and them and they who day by day are pissing it all away.

Nature's beauty will be among the first to go. Trees, flowers, even weeds, will no longer grow. We and the animals will no longer mate and sex will be an altered state. The sun and moon and all the stars will be consumed like candy bars and wars will end in defeat for both sides of the street.

If East meets West and tries its best and South and North do things of worth and Arabs and Jews refuse to fight and Washington stops lying and starts trying to right all they did wrong and the rapper's song is clear and filled with cheer and maybe a baby will be born who will grow and know how to do what must be done to give us one more try before we die.


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