Friday, July 28, 2006


Remember Napoleon Bonaparte who fiddled while Rome burned? He had a dream to rule the world he knew, but it was shattered at a place called Waterloo.

Now there lives a twice selected president with similar dreams to rule the world as he knew it but he blew it. After many failures this prevailer is all but through and soon will meet his Waterloo in Iraq, the land where there's no turning back.

The truth is this: In politics, the rotten are soon forgotten. But not in Dubya's case. Scientists couldn't wait till he was dead to find out what was in his head. George okayed to be x-rayed if they'd keep the findings top secret. No doubt they tried. But inside leaky D. C. news has as way to get out. You can bet it did, I kid you not. And it was hot, the rage of a featured place on the funny page.

In spite of what scientists expected to find, Bush does have a mind and brain. But, as reported in the news, the mind was awash in a pool of booze and the brain was made of limp spaghetti, two meatballs and a Barbara doll. That was all.


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