The world was was not to be a monstrosity, but a land with trees and seas and birds and bees and creatures great and creatures small and bugs and insects, wind and breeze and the greatest prize by far, a heaven filled with sun and moon and distant stars.
Then, according to the master's Master Plan, came Man. This is when the trouble all began. God's plan got out of hand and to this day bloodshed has led the way. Marching in step behind the lethal leader are dread disease, illegal drugs that please but kill wantonly, those in denial that are eating and drinking all the while their bodies waste away as they await Judgment Day.
We can't tell when. We can't know how. If might come now or then it might not come for many years. But there is one certainty. One day Judgment Day is meant to be. The inventor won't alone be you or me. It will be US, the dumb who let the world grow warm enough to destroy our pride and joy, the world we know. It's gotta go.
So go ahead, you dunderhead, drive that gas eater super heater till life is dead, Smear the atmosphere with poisoned air that spawns monster hurricanes and unessential torrential rains and thawing glaciers that will fill oceans to overflow. Earth's bounty will fail to grow and wildlife will starve and few will understand why we planned our own super-size demise.
When the trial of those in denial, who resisted proven fact and refused to react to warming warnings, are proven guilty, will we have learned our lesson and lessen our messin' 'round and restore the ground and all around it to the way our forebears found it way back when? Will this planet come to life again?
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