Friday, August 11, 2006


When you stop to think about it, if you fought in a war and you killed willingly, protected by the legality of "I'll you before you kill me," it still was murder in the first degree.

You went soaring through the clear blue sky, dropping bombs and watching decent people die. You asked why you were up there destroying what took men blood and sweat and years to build and then were killed. Your attack and their defense made no sense, no matter how justified the homicide.

You lived, they died and loved ones cried bitter tears that would flow for years. Their ache, asleep, awake, when they remembered Jim or someone just like him who saw a bomb bearing down seconds before it hit. Just time to cry, "Oh shit!" That was it!

Should the end be greeted with an obscenity? Is that all there is to say about a life that's blown away? It seems apt that a life wrapped in hopes and dreams is worth much more. But this is war and that's what wars are for. Four letter words say it better. There is no more.


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