Monday, July 31, 2006


Like all would-be czars, dictators and kings. war brings them face to face with many things. Their personal war began with a plan to set an oppressed nation free, to end a reign of terror and make the world a safer place to be.

But with victory the populace was soon to learn another revolution was the way to go. Although they won they soon would know the truth of the lie at the election booth. That the blood shed, the thousands dead had not assured the free the right to liberty and democracy.

The cry Revolt! rang out again. The men lined up, signed up to fight another war and the rising star of the aristocracy was soon to see that his ultimate, unrivaled power was not to be.

The House of Cards fell and hell would reign as right fought wrong. How long it would last, no one could tell. But the die was cast. There could be no turning back and again the cry of the desperate mass, haters of the ruling class, rang out: Death to the enemy! But most who gave their lives died for a cause they thought was the same old dream, to be free. They soon realized it was buried beneath the debris of hypocrisy.

When will the free be truly free? When will words like Equality. Integrity and Honesty mean what Webster had in mind when he defined them in his dictionary?


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