Monday, February 19, 2007


Soon, come June, I will be eighty-four. I pray I'll live to see not just the end of the wasted war that greed and arrogance have created, but the end of war for once and all. I dream someday people free and those who want to be will stand tall and sound a call for peace at last, peace at last.

As seniors in this once great nation we have one overwhelming obligation: change the thinking of this stinking, sinking planet, dammit! and ram it down the throats of those who disagree that the world's in an awful mess. Future generations will have to pay for what thoughtless throngs are guilty of---killing innocent souls, relinquishing control to those who have more wealth than they'll ever need for an insane greed for gold and political power over what could be our world's finest shining, defining hour.

I hear this every day in every way, seniors don't give a damn because they'll be long gone when the payback's going on. And they admit: "I don't care how long it takes. Let them learn from our mistakes."

But did we learn? Have we earned the right to be counsel to those who inherit the kind of mess we'll leave behind? The answer is a resounding YES! There is a way to prevent another mess, another Bush-like hawk stalking democracy and talking the world into yet one more war.

War is where it all begins. Our best advice (are you listening Dubya, Dick and Condoleezza Rice?) is that in a war nobody loses, nobody wins. They all end in unbelievable upheaval and thousands dead, huge debts hanging over the heads of those who survive, those too young to understand and those unborn, innocent future victims who will inherit this land.

We must stress that no matter what happens to happen. war is not the answer. War is a cancer that destroys what we were brought here for. There will always be those who die naturally, by accidents or freak events or painfully from ills still a medical mystery.

We all eventually must die. But let not war be the reason why.


Blogger Twilight said...

Amen, Ed, Amen!!!

to this, especially

...."we have one overwhelming obligation: change the thinking of this stinking, sinking planet, dammit! and ram it down the throats of those who disagree that the world's in an awful mess."

Ann (aka Twilight)

9:58 AM  

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