Friday, June 03, 2005


At its inception this war was based on a misconception, a fateful error that if we'd fight with all our might---for we know we are right---we'd win the war on terror. The enemy did not agree.

So war was undeclared/declared based on this uncertainty. At first there was defiance to join the alliance we'd need to crush the enemy. George Bush, the wheeler-dealer squealed, how could they dare not yield to the most powerful nation in civilization? So they hurled their demand in a language Bush could understand: a share of the spoils, the Iraqi oils. But the war didn't go the way George said. And when the dead began littering the desert sand many packed up and headed home again.

There's no way of telling when our troops will start rebelling and then where will Georgie be? All alone defending humanity and democracy and explaining the hypocrisy of torturing the enemy with fun and games and nudity and all the other harmless pranks Yanks play to promote the American way.

Three cheers for the U, S, A.!


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