Sunday, May 29, 2005


To thine own self be true How can I do that when I don't know who I am? Oh, I know I'm not Bill or George or Sam. I know my name but not the me who hides behind a face of unfamiliarity with an identity given me accidentally.

If my sire's sperm had turned left instead of right I might have been a female member of humanity. If it had hit the egg the other way who knows what I would be today? Maybe this or maybe that or a combination of the two. You might be Me, I might be You.

Sex, you see, is quite complex. It takes one of each to perform The Act But if the sperm and egg react at the moment of impact, pregnancy may or may not occur. It did and I became a kid. Will I be a Him or a Her?

As it turned out I became a He. What kind of He will I be? Thanks to the force of Intercourse, for better or for worse, I am A He Me. But who am I and why am I and what am I, I do not know. This is so. Should I be witty? Should I be wise? Or should I be just like the other guys. who tell lies to disguise their true identity? Should I put myself on a shelf, never giving a tinker's damn what other people think I am?


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