The pain in my brain is so severe all I want is outta here. But I know I can't go until the day that fate's selected and it will come unexpected when I am in brief remission fishin' and wishin' my mission in life would be to live forever.
But fate's too clever to ever extend my survival and delay my date of arrival at St, Pete's Golden Gate. On the day that life's all over my old blood will grow cold, my arteries will go first, then my veins will burst, my heart will start and stop plitty-plop, ploppity-plit and I will know this is almost IT!
My eyes will blur, my head will whir, my bowels will stir, my urinary tract will over react and other things will occur of which I'm not aware, but I won't care because the end is almost there. Finally, my voice will croak and so croak will I.
The Powers that Be---the Great Big He in the Sky and the lowly MD clod who thinks he's God---will nod approvingly. And that will be the end of me.
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