Friday, December 09, 2005


Throughout the course of history, religion has been the driving force in not only the advancement of civilization, but also in ever present war, death and destruction which has plagued the world since the beginning of time.

While still living in caves and struggling with the need to advance their knowledge of events affecting their lives, early man was unable to explain the phenomena of his surroundings. The wonders of the world, the sun, the moon and stars were supernatural beings that defied understanding.

So man created interpreters to guide his thinking and understanding, wise holy men who communicated with a supernatural being they called God. These early priests claimed to possess the ability to talk to God and relate what He wanted of them, how they should behave and tribute they must pay to please Him. Of course, they couldn't offer tributes directly to God, but could shower priests with gifts as reward for services to the Almighty.

Fear of the unknown led man to believe what priests told him, that there was a supernatural on high who watched over all and through his oracles expressed pleasure or anger with the way man conducted his life.

God gave orders to priests who interpreted them to the people, warning if they disobeyed punishment awaited them in the next world. Laws dictated by God were written from God to Moses. Thus, the Ten Commandments became the first true laws of civilization.

When Jesus emerged as the son of God he became the supreme interpreter of God's laws. Then came Mohammed who converted the masses to his interpretation of the word of God. All who would not blindly obey were slain. Disciples of Christianity traveled throughout the known world with a Bible in one hand and a sword in the other. The clash between Moslems and Christians was long and bloody as have been thousands of wars over the centuries. History's replete with wars fought in the name of God and religion.

These wars still go on, When will they stop? When will the world grow up?


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