Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The world of tomorrow, I state with great sorrow, now is the world of today.
A dozen inventions with doubtful intentions have taken our freedoms away.
With pushbutton thinking minds our shrinking, waistlines are growing in size
Our cars drive us faster to sudden disaster. TV dulls senses, dims eyes.
Our children are lazy, our wives are crazy, pets are frustrated and scared.
H-Bomb hocus-pocus gives us neuroses, no man or beast shall be spared.
Today the disgrace is, they're probing spaces, sights set beyond the moon.
It's on to red Mars and far away stars. We'll feed 'em our culture by spoon.
If we want to destroy every down to earth joy, scrape life down to the bone.
Just keep it down on our sod, by God, and let the poor space folks alone!


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