Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Bush, that little bit of fluff, knew he didn't have the stuff to be the president, but he figured if he was rough, talked tough and gruff that would be enough to gain consent.

But if the bluff and his off the cuff remarks left voters in the dark and Gore tore down this clown's facade he'd get the help of God and the Court of Last Resort to bloat his failing vote and make this beginner winner even though he's a sinner who, with a corps of crooks rewrote the books so he came out on top, and his pop is very proud because his son done won.

George carries on the Bush tradition that money and the Easter bunny and Santa Clause and broken laws will win out in the end. It's that and how you play the game. Forget the shame, ignore the blame, it's the mix of tricks and politics that picks the victor.

Who was the hero in year zero? Who stole the store in zero four? Need I say more?


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