Monday, February 08, 2010


Haiti is a lesson in democracy where those in nations blessed help those oppressed and in distress.

Kindness plays a role. So does the soul of a nation, used and abused, which in the past refused the aid that might have paid rewards and paved the way to more hopeful times. But that was then an this is now.

How can we, today, raise the spirits of a nation stripped by a killing earth quake of its homeland, its homes, its loved ones, its population?

What we are doing now can renew the spirits of those who have survived, help pay the cost, to restore a nation to a better homeland than it was before the quake roared into town and turned their lives upside down.

We must help them rebuild their schools and homes rapidly, their infrastructure and industry, the churches where the faithful pray, the parks where little children play, the highways, byways, bridges, too, structures that can withstand weather’s assaults on the land.

All this will not happen overnight. But it must be soon and it must be right, according to code, according to rigid, enforceable laws, guarded against building flaws because tragic quakes and hurricanes, flooding rains and winds could begin without warning at alarming speed. This is why Haitians need to heed the possibility and build anew accordingly.

We must help the Haitian people destroy the beasts of graft and corruption that even now are in command. Somehow they must be made to pay for what Haiti is today and what it someday might possibly be, a thriving vital member of the world community. A tropical paradise free of cold, snow and ice. where there’s peace and love, brotherhood, all things good, to ease the ache the sudden quake left in its wake.

And for goodness sake, no more quakes. No more shakes. Give this stricken land a break!


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