Friday, November 11, 2005


I know George has said a lot of things, some dumb, some so far off base with such a sneerful face you'd think his brain was numb. Some must come from a sense of innocence you'd expect from an erstwhile juvenile or someone on pot or what.

Bush wanted Bin What's-his-name "dead or alive." That was just a lot of photo opt jive. Then Bush said, "No, that ain't so." He;s just like any Arab guy on the street dressed in a sheet. With all his money he could by a shirt and tie. Who needs that half-baked sheik? The Afghan war's a piece of cake. He said it. Give him credit.

Dubya bragged "Mission Accomplished." He wished! He should have said: "War's a flop. Time to stop." George pressed on. Now more than a thousand troops are gone. He said it. Give him credit.

Bush didn't say the world is flat. Any dummy knows better than that. Come on, be fair. He's pretty sure the world ain't square, Does God wear a cowboy hat? Ask Dubya about that. But this we know: Bush says it's so. The world's shaped like an oval, an egg. Life begins and ends in that Oval Office. And to this square peg in a hole. totally out of control, his world is just a keg of beer. I fear George, who's also taken to drinking red ink, thinks that's so. So give him credit even though he maybe, hasn't said it.


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