Monday, May 01, 2006


Believers believe without question. Any suggestion that faith is not enough is met with rough rejection of God Almighty. To say that He might be wrong on occasion is regarded as an evasion of the truth as told in the Old Testament, in the Torah and Koran and the holy writ that can be traced to early man before civilization even began.

Masses regarded God in many ways. Some prayed to Sun gods that controlled the seasons of their lives. Others worshiped for various reasons but the underlying belief in what they could not comprehend brought relief from every day stress and strain on the brain.

"Don't try to explain my faith to me," the True Believers said. "I will be right, you will be wrong on Judgment Day."

"What's the date of Judgment Day?" the skeptic wanted to know. "Will it be a legal holiday? Will we have more time to shop and play? If I have to work on Judgment Day must my employer pay me overtime?"

"You don't get a dime extra pay on Judgment Day On that l day you go to your Church, your Synagogue or Mosque and pray."

"To who? For what? How much will it cost? Will inflation raise the amount of my donation? Will it reduce my income tax? The fact is, I'm not sure I can pay. And, anyway, I think I gave at the office. Does that count? Will that affect the amount? I'll have to discuss this with my accountant. He's a CPA and can advise me how to pay it through my IRA and, in the process, give less to the IRS."

"You don't understand," said the man of faith. "Judgment Day is not the same as Christmas or Thanksgiving or other seasons when there's reasons to be giving. You don't have to pay, you just go and pray."

"If I put two bucks in the collection plate will It get me a cheaper rate if and when I meet St. Pete at the Golden Gate?"

That night when the non-believer went to bed he prayed: "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to God, my dough to keep. If I die before I spend it I'll lend it out at ten percent."


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